About Me

Hi my name is Carlos Martínez. I’m a self-proclaimed indie game developer. Since very young I’ve always had a passion for video games and technology. My first console was a NES and I still remember playing with my dad games like Duck Hunt, Mario or RBI Baseball. Moving on in life I developed a passion for computers when I had my first PC, in that moment I knew that whatever I was going to study it had to be related to computers. And so it was, I ended up studying Computer Engineering, which I’ve already finished. But it wasn’t until a teacher I had encouraged me to make a video game, that I started learning how to make video games. It was like a new world to me, a world that I wanted to become part of. One thing lead to another and before I realised I was already making my own video games. Future is unknown but working hard is what allows us to reach our dreams. This is me, and my dream is to make video games.

Please feel free to contact me through Gmail or LinkedIn


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